Prenatal Massage in Toronto
Where can I find Prenatal Massage downtown Toronto?
There are many RMTs who offer Prenatal Massage in Toronto. If Bloor and Sherbourne is accessible, come see one of our RMTs who are trained to give a safe and effective Prenatal Massage.
What are the benefits of a prenatal massage? When is the best time to get prenatal massage?
Prenatal massage can be a valuable part of your selfcare practice during your pregnancy, so you can come at regular intervals and/or when you need a specific therapeutic issue. addressed. Massage helps you feel more comfortable and balanced as your centre of balance gradually shifts and your postural muscles take on extra work. It is also a wonderful way to relax, reduce anxiety, improve feelings of happiness and contentment, and basically just take some nurturing time for yourself.
Is it OK to get a massage while pregnant? Are prenatal massages safe? What’s the difference between prenatal massage and regular massage?
Some massage therapists advise against getting massage during the first trimester of pregnancy because this is the time when miscarriage is more likely to occur. There is no evidence that suggests that massage has any direct effect on the risk of miscarriage, however due to the private nature of massage, there have not been thorough empirical studies on this subject. If you have any concerns during your first trimester, particularly if you are at increased risk of complications, please check in with your doctor before coming for massage.
Aside from questions you may have for your doctor regarding the first trimester, it is safe to get massage during pregnancy. The safest method after the first few weeks is to position you lying on your side, and this is the way we conduct prenatal massage at Zazen. We give you a pillow for under your head, one between your knees, and another to cuddle in your arms for added support. In this position, we can offer a full quality Swedish or Deep Tissue treatment that is safe for you and your baby.
How early should you get a prenatal massage?
Some massage therapists advise against getting massage during the first trimester of pregnancy because this is the time when miscarriage is more likely to occur. There is no evidence that suggests that massage has any direct effect on the risk of miscarriage, however due to the private nature of massage, there have not been thorough empirical studies on this subject. If you have any concerns during your first trimester, particularly if you are at increased risk of complications, please check in with your doctor before coming for massage.

Prenatal Massage Therapist Toronto
Are prenatal massages safe in third trimester?
Provided you are having a normal pregnancy and are not at risk of complications, prenatal massage is considered safe in the second and third trimesters all the way through until you are ready to give birth. If you are at increased risk of complications, please check in with your doctor before coming for massage.
Is prenatal massage better than regular massage?
Prenatal Massage has all the benefits of regular Swedish or Deep Tissue massage. If you are pregnant, prenatal massage is much safer than regular massage, so make sure to let your RMT know so they can make appropriate preparations. At Zazen, you can select the Prenatal Massage treatment option when you book your appointment so your RMT can prepare for your arrival.
What is a prenatal massage? What is the proper name for Massage Therapy for pregnancy?
When you are looking for pregnancy massage, the term RMTs use is Prenatal Massage. Look for Prenatal Massage option when you book your appointment at Zazen or feel free to contact us with any questions.
Are prenatal massages covered by insurance?
Yes, Prenatal Massage is within the scope of practice for Registered Massage Therapists, so your insurance company will generally cover it the same way as they cover any other RMT visit. If you have any questions about your coverage, contact your insurance provider or plan manager for details.
Can a prenatal massage induce labor?
There is no evidence that suggests prenatal massage can induce premature labour or have any labour-inducing effect even if you are close to your due date.
Can prenatal massage cause miscarriage?
Some massage therapists advise against getting massage during the first trimester of pregnancy because this is the time when miscarriage is more likely to occur. There is no evidence that suggests that massage has any direct effect on the risk of miscarriage, however due to the private nature of massage, there have not been thorough empirical studies on this subject. If you have any concerns during your first trimester, particularly if you are at increased risk of complications, please check in with your doctor before coming for massage.
Does prenatal massage help with sciatica?
Yes, prenatal massage can offer great relief from symptoms of sciatica. The sciatic nerve originates in your lower spine, then travels under your piriformis muscle deep to your gluteal muscles, and then supplies movement and sensation in your thighs, calves, and into your toes.
As your body adjusts to your growing baby, there may be more pressure and tension on your bones and muscles all the way down this pathway, so by reducing tension, massage can help to relieve the causes and symptoms of sciatica.